Upcoming Meeting

41th International Congress of the Society for Microbial Ecology and Diseases

Date and Venue: 14-16, June 2022 |Alexandroupolis/Greece

Local Organizers: Eugenia Bezirtzoglou,Ioannis Kourkoutas, Christina Tsigalou

President Letter

Dear colleagues, It is indeed a great honour and privilege for me to assume the role of President of SOMED. I would like to thank all of you for your support and for giving me the opportunity to have this prominent role...

Our Previous Meetings

XIV International Symposium on Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: September 21-23, 1989 | San Antonio, Texas USA

Local Organizers: Rial D. Rolfe, David J. Hentges

XV International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: September 7-9, 1990 | Ioannina, Greece

Local Organizers: Eugenia Bezirtzoglou

XVI International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: September 27-29, 1991 | Mt. Lake, Virginia, USA

Local Organizers: Tracy D. Wilkins

XVII International Symposium on Intestinal Microecology

Date and Venue: August 28-29, 1992 | Helsinki, Finland

Local Organizers: Seppo Salminen

XVIII SOMED Annual Meeting

Date and Venue: September 11-12, 1993 | Boston, USA

Local Organizers: Andrew B. Onderdonk

XIX International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: September 18-21, 1994 | Rome, Italy

Local Organizers: Paola Mastrantonio, Gianfranco Donelli

World Congress on Anaerobic Bacteria and Bacterial Infections and XX SOMED Meeting

Date and Venue: November 5-9, 1995 | San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA

Local Organizers: Sherwood L. Gorbach | Andrew B. Onderdonk

XXI International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: October 28-30, 1996 | Paris, France

Local Organizers: Pierre Bourlioux

XXII SOMED Annual Symposium

Date and Venue: November 6-9, 1997 | Captiva Island, Florida, USA

Local Organizers: Peter Borriello

XXIII International SOMED Congress

Date and Venue: October 3-6, 1998 | Nice, France

Local Organizers: Giuseppe A. Botta, Sherwood L. Gorbach, Andrew B. Onderdonk

XXIV International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: September 22-25, 1999 | San Francisco, California, USA

Local Organizers: Rial D. Rolfe

XXV International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: September 29- October 1, 2000 | Bucharest, Romania

Local Organizers: Rial D. Rolfe, Victoria Velculescu

XXVI International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: October 3-6, 2001 | Leeuwenhorst, Leiden, The Netherlands

Local Organizers: Tore Midtvedt, Elisabeth Norin

XXVII IAG-SOMED Joint Congress

Date and Venue: July 14–18, 2002, Raleigh, North Carolina USA

Local Organizers: Philip Carter

XXVIII SOMED-AG Joint Congress

Date and Venue: May 6-9, 2004 | Helsingor, Denmark

Local Organizers: Bodil L. Jacobsen

Joint AG-SOMED Meeting

Date and Venue: June 5-8, 2006 | St. Louis, Mo, USA

Local Organizers: J. Gordon

XXX International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease Joint with the 4th Probiotics, Prebiotics and New Foods

Date and Venue: September 16-18, 2007 | Rome, Italy

Local Organizers: Gianfranco Donelli, Lucio Capurso

XXX International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease Joint with the 4th Probiotics, Prebiotics and New Foods

Date and Venue: September 16-18, 2007 | Rome, Italy

Local Organizers: Gianfranco Donelli, Lucio Capurso

XXXI International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: May 28-30, 2008 Djuronaset Kursgard | Stockholm Sweeden

Local Organizers: Tore Midtvedt, Elisabeth Norin

XXXII International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: October 29-30, 2009 | St. Petersburg

Local Organizers: B.Shenderov

XXXIII International Congress on Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease

Date and Venue: September 6-10, 2010 | Greece

Local Organizers: Eugenia Bezirtzoglou

37th ISG ans 34th International Congress on Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease

Date and Venue: November 20-23, 2011 | Yokohama

Local Organizers: Sunchi Kato, Shigeru Kamiya

35th Congress of the Society for Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: May 15-17 2012 | Valencia Spain

Local Organizers: Yolanda Sanz

36 th International Congress of the Society for Microbial Ecology and Disease

Date and Venue: September 24-26, 2013 | Kosice Slovakia

Local Organizers: Alojz Bomba

12th Biennial Congress of the Asa Jointly with 37th International Congress of Somed

Date and Venue: June 28- July 1, 2014 | Chicago Illinois USA

Local Organizers: Andrew Onderdonk, Dale Gerding

38th International Congress of SOMED

Date and Venue: 11-13 October 2015 | Verona, Italy

Local Organizers: Elisa Bertazzoni-Minelli

39th International Congress of SOMED

Date and Venue: 7-10 June 2017 | Tokyo Japan

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